
  • Premium Extract  
  • Manufactured from a full CBD hemp extract
  • 3rd party Lab Tested for Guaranteed Quality    ***Click for Lab Report***
  • Reduced packaging, recyclable bottle and label
  • 0% THC






CBD Oil for Dogs UK Based, What You Need to Know

CBD oil for dogs UK has in recent years gained huge popularity. People are pondering whether our four-legged companions can gain the same advantages as more people are adopting it to achieve general wellness and boost their health.

Today we will try to answer some of the most-asked questions

  • Is it safe for dogs to consume CBD oil
  • What are the benefits of giving CBD to dogs
  • How does CBD Oil for dogs actually work
  • How is CBD oil for dogs used?
  • Does CBD function the same way in dogs as it does in humans?


Is it Safe for Dogs to Consume CBD Oil?

Dogs are sophisticated creatures that exhibit human features such as a variety of emotions, a sense of unease, and other traits. Many people are curious as to whether canines, like humans, could benefit from a CBD supplement. That is the question you should be asking as the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the human body interacts with cannabinoids to cause the body to absorb CBD and experience its benefits. Asking “do dogs have an endocannabinoid system?” is the more appropriate question to ask than “can dogs take CBD oil?”

Yes is the clear-cut response. Dogs also possess an endocannabinoid system that oversees many of the same functions as those in humans. Let’s examine CBD oil for dogs in the UK, including its legality, safety, and application.


What Are the Benefits of Giving CBD to Dogs?

CBD oil for dogs UK works much the same as it does in humans. The cannabinoids from the CBD interact with the body’s receptors through the endocannabinoid system, commonly known as the ECS.
CB1 and CB2, the two primary receptors in the ECS, oversee:

  • Helping with balance
  • Managing physiological processes
  • Preserving homeostasis

CBD reaches the bloodstream without passing through the digestive system when taken orally as drops under the tongue. CBD interacts with CB1 and CB2 receptors in the circulation to send signals to the brain that can affect the body’s biochemical and physiological functions.

It can then gain higher wellness, balance, and functionality. It appears that CBD can support canine wellness, making them happier and healthier.


How Does CBD Oil for Dogs Actually Work

The endocannabinoid system in dogs operates differently from that in humans. In comparison to the human brain, a dog’s brain has a lot more CB1 receptors. Even while a dog’s ECS functions differently than those of humans, it nonetheless promotes balance and upholds homeostasis.

So, it appears that if a dog consumes CBD oil, it will experience the same restorative and balancing effects as a human. According to the Blue Cross, there is no evidence that CBD oil for dogs is toxic, but more research is required.

Even though CBD can benefit dogs, keep in mind that it is not medicine and should not be used to treat dogs. No CBD product should be used to treat any specific ailment. No doubt more research into the potential benefits of CBD for dogs UK will be conducted in the coming years.

CBD Oil for Dogs UK

Will My Dog Get High From CBD?

CBD products contain no or very little THC, also known as Tetrahydrocannabinol, the cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant that causes the “high” effect. To be legal, CBD oil must contain less than 0.2% THC, which is insufficient to produce psychoactive effects. Because CBD oil products contain little or no THC, you’ll be relieved to learn that dogs cannot get high from CBD.

Because CBD and other cannabinoids are not psychoactive, your dog will not be laying around with the munchies after a few drops of CBD oil. However, purchasing from untrustworthy brands that do not share their lab test results put your dog at risk of ingesting THC levels that are potentially harmful.


Will My Vets Prescribe CBD Oil for Dogs?

The Veterinary Medicines Directorate and the Food Standards Agency have not approved CBD products for use in pets, making it difficult for the veterinary community to come together on the topic. While some veterinarians may be willing to prescribe CBD for pets, others will be hesitant. If you are considering giving CBD to your pet, you should consult with your veterinarian first. Before giving CBD oil to your dog.


Is it Safe to Give My Dog CBD Oil?

There is no evidence that a CBD isolate or broad-spectrum CBD product would harm pets. CBD edibles are an exception because they may contain artificial sweeteners such as xylitol, which is toxic to pets. This risk should be eliminated by using CBD isolate or broad-spectrum CBD.

We also don’t know how CBD will interact with any other medications your dog is on. It may slow or speed up the rate at which your pet’s medication is metabolised, making it more or less effective. You should never discontinue a pet’s other medications to administer CBD. If you have any reservations about giving CBD products to your pet, always consult with a veterinarian.


Is CBD Oil for Dogs Legal in the UK?

CBD products for pets are widely available in the United States. This approach, however, has not yet crossed the Atlantic to us here in the UK. In the UK, it is currently illegal to advertise and promote CBD products for pets, and it is not widely available as a supplement for pets. There are no CBD products approved for use in pets by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate or the Food Standards Agency.

If you are considering giving CBD products intended for human consumption to your pets, you should consult with a veterinarian first. Only a veterinarian can prescribe CBD products for human consumption to animals. However, there is still a lack of knowledge and understanding about CBD products for humans and animals. This means that your veterinarian may be unaware of CBD’s potential benefits.


What Dosage Should You Give Your Dog?

CBD oils for dogs, like humans, do not have a set dosage. There are no guidelines on how much CBD is safe and effective for animals because it is not an approved supplement. Working with your veterinarian should assist you in determining a safe dosing schedule for your pet. To find the ideal dosage, humans are typically advised to gradually increase their dose over time. You don’t have to keep increasing the dosage once you’ve found it because CBD tolerance does not change over time.

As with human dosing, the correct CBD dosage for pets should always start low and gradually increase. Although there is no known lethal dose of CBD for humans or animals, the side effects of a high dose may be hazardous if your pet is left alone.

Because pets cannot communicate with us and cannot tell us what is wrong, it is up to owners to identify problems with their pets. Keep an eye on your pet and look for signs that they have received too much CBD. This can include increased lethargy, vomiting, appetite changes, and loss of coordination.

If your pet is stumbling, keep a close eye on them near stairs and be cautious when taking them for a walk, as they may require extra assistance.


Different Ways to Give Your Dog CBD Oil

CBD oil for dogs UK can be used in a variety of different ways. This includes both topically applied CBD products (which do not enter the bloodstream) and orally administered CBD products such as CBD oil.

Among the products available on the market are:

CBD can be administered to dogs via tincture products. These can be placed directly on their tongues or in their food and beverages. If your pet is picky, mixing it into their food may be the simplest solution.

CBD Dog Treats
When it comes to food, dogs adore treats. A few CBD dog treats and snacks are available in the United States and other CBD-containing countries. These typically include broad-spectrum CBD in the form of chews and small snacks. If you do decide to go down the route of dog treats, make sure they are entirely natural. Some of the products out there may contain other ingredients that are harmful to animals.

CBD Tropical Products
Topical balms can be used to treat issues involving the skin or areas beneath the skin. Topical simply means “applied to the skin.” This type of product could be ideal for sore paws or dry noses, which frequently require some TLC during the winter months. These can be applied directly to the affected area in the same way that a human would. Topical products are great because they are frequently made with CBD isolate, which is safer to use than full-spectrum CBD products because it contains no THC.


What is the Best CBD Oil for Dogs UK?

Because of the popularity of CBD oil and its restorative and balancing properties, many brands have entered the market. Some of them do their homework and produce high-quality products, while others do not. As a result, your approach to finding the best CBD oil for dogs in the UK (or elsewhere) should not be to look for a specific CBD for dogs. Instead, it should be to find a brand that you can rely on to provide high-quality CBD oil.

Things to keep an eye out for include:

Lab Reports
A company that posts its lab results on the internet is confident in its product and has nothing to hide. You should also use these results to ensure that the product contains no THC or less than 0.2% THC. Anything more is both illegal and potentially toxic to your dog.

Cheap isn’t Always the Best
Never choose the cheapest option. Yes, we understand that it is always tempting to do so. Unfortunately, most low-cost CBD oils are of poor quality or do not contain any CBD at all. Even if it does, it may contain herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, or other potentially hazardous ingredients. This isn’t to say that all expensive CBD products are bad; however, if you’re willing to do your homework and pay a little more, you’ll usually be rewarded.

Sustainable and Organic
Other advantageous factors include seeking out organic and sustainably produced products. These are free of pesticides and other harmful chemicals, better for the environment, and safer to use. If you live in the UK, looking for UK-based brands is a great way to reduce the carbon footprint of your deliveries.


Type of CBD Oil

CBD oil comes in a variety of forms on the market. Everyone can help to promote health and happiness.
The main distinction is the variety of cannabinoids used and whether or not they contain additional ingredients.

  • Full-spectrum CBD: contains a high concentration of naturally occurring plant compounds as well as a low, legal level of THC.
  •  Broad-spectrum CBD: you get the full benefit of the hemp plant with no added THC.
  • CBD isolate: yields the purest form of CBD with no additional cannabinoids or flavonoids.

As long as you follow these guidelines and conduct your research, you should have no trouble finding high-quality CBD oil for dogs in the UK.


CBD Cannabidiol
Phytocannabinoid-Rich Hemp seed Oil
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT OIL)


***Important update to our UK-based customers***

We have been contacted by the VMD (Veterinary Medicines Directorate) and following a conversation with them, we can no longer advertise CBD Oil for Dogs or CBD Oil for Cats. The reason is the VMD has classified CBD (Cannabidiol) as a medicinal substance that needs “Marketing Authorisation.” All Companies in the UK selling CBD Oil for pets have to follow these rules.

For UK-based customers please click on the link – ***Broad Spectrum CBD Oil***

For our international customers, we will be leaving this page open for them.

At Hemx we pride ourselves on quality products that’s why we supply lab reports for all our products
Disclaimer: Due to UK law, all Hemx CBD products must be, and are, sold and marketed as food supplements only.

Additional information

Weight 300 g
Dimensions 2.5 × 2.5 × 7.5 cm

250MG, 500MG, 1000MG


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